Sober & Lonely Institute for the Arts in reaction to ‘The 2nd Sober & Lonely Synchronised Running Club Run’ with Machine Project at An Experiment to Test the Destiny of the World
Tag Archives: sport
Pied la Biche
‘Refait’ (2009) by Pied la Biche.
‘Refait’ is a remake of the football WorldCup match between France and Germany (Seville, Spain, 1982). Shot by Pied La Biche in Villeurbanne (France), every aspect of the fifteen last minutes of the match was carefully reconstructed : players, positions, gestures, intensity, drama etc. It consists in shifting the traditional game area into the urban environment. Each sequence takes place in one or several locations and then the city temporarily becomes the lab for unsual experiments.
A way to overcome a lost football match…