‘Make your own life’ (2006) by Merlin Carpenter
Carpenter asked ICA Philadelphia to provide him with $4,000 cash. The artist then went on a shopping spree, consuming all kinds of luxury goods and services. In the end, only the receipts and empty shopping bags were exhibited.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged 4000, action, bags, collection, commerce, consumerism, DIY, dollars, found, fuckem, fun, goods, installation, joke, luxury, make your own life, merlin carpenter, performance, receipts, romance, shopping spree, text, trash, unknown

Oskar Dawicki, ‘I’m sorry’ (2010)
Live in front of the audience Dawicki reads a text explaining he’s sorry for the failed performance he’s giving. Finally, to make up for wasting the audience’s time and the curator’s chance of putting on a good show, he hands out sweets while a taperecorder plays the sound of him crying and once more apologizing.
A performance seen in Rotterdam during Witte de With’s performance cycle ‘Let us compare mythologies’. Pictures by Peter Rakossy.

More fine work by Dawicki downstairs….
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By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, advertising, apologies, audience, best before, commerce, dawicki, decomment, DIY, expiration, festival, fuckem, fun, humour, i'm sorry, installation, joke, let us compare mythologies, light, live, muur, oskar dawicki, performance, poland, polish, project, romance, rotterdam, trash, unknown, vanitas, wall, wdw, Witte de With

Martin Boyle, Untitled (2008)
Click the picture to see the video.
Martin Boyle produces work that is both playful and performative. He re-presents mass produced quirky objects and packaging in multiple forms to the viewer through video installation and sculptural pieces. His work highlights a preoccupation with ideas of value, or lack off, through his use of packaging and consumer goods…
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By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged boyle, consumer goods, consumers, DIY, fuckem, fun, Gamma, installation, ireland, joke, light, martin boyle, money, packagings, satire, sculpture, trash, unknown, value, video
Reiner Ruthenbeck
Reiner Ruthenbeck, ‘Arche Noah II’ (1972)