Tag Archives: industry

Alec Soth

alec-soth_Cemetery, Fountain City, Wisconsin 2002

Alec Soth, ‘Cemetery, Fountain City, Wisconsin’ (2002)

Adam Schreiber


Adam Schreiber, ‘2000’ (2010)

Claude Monet


‘The Gare St-Lazare’ (1877), by Claude Monet.

Müge Yilmaz

muege yilmaz

‘Circle of Necessities (Halay)’ (2012), by Müge Yilmaz.

Marek Kvetan

marek kvetan-Transfer2000a cast of a piece of industrial pipe with various wires inside

Marek Kvetan, ‘Transfer’ (2000)

A cast of a piece of industrial pipe with various wires inside.

Michael Wolf


Michael Wolf, ‘Real Fake Art’ (2006) featuring a copy of Gerhard Richter’s ‘Two Candles’ (1982)

The ‘Real Fake Art’ series explores the copy art industry in China, which exports 70% of copies of famous masterpieces to North America and Europe.