The instructions for Pierre Huyghe‘s ‘Influenced’ (2011)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, architecture, assistant, catgious, disguise, DIY, esther schipper, fever, flu, found, French, fuckem, fun, gallery, influenced, influenza, inhabit, invade, normal, performance, person, Pierre Huyghe, presence, romance, scarf, sick, sneeze, space, symptoms, the wild, unknown, unseen

Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, ‘La Bibliotheque clandestine’ (2013)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, books, Dominique Gonzalez Foerster, door, French, fun, installation, La Bibliothe?que clandestine, library, mystery, passage, romance, room, unknown, wall

Tom Burr, ‘Repeated Playboy Platform’ (2011)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged collection, content, fuckem, installation, magazines, pages, pedestal, repeated playboy platform, romance, sculpture, tom burr, unknown

Mike Kelley, ‘Arena #4 (Zen Garden)’ (1990)
Stuffed animals under afghan
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged afghan, animals, arena, blanket, DIY, found, fuckem, installation, landscape, mike kelley, romance, sculpture, stuffed, toys, unknown, zen garden

Christian Haake, untitled (2009)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged balcony, christian haake, city, embedded, germany, house, inside, installation, outside, sculpture, tiny, view, wall

Ryan Gander, ‘Locked room scenario’ (2011)
“Lit rooms are locked tight. Barriers are partially in place. Doors leading to dark corridors are amongst the few open – and if you push on through the labyrinth, you eventually find something – although it isn’t exactly what you expected. Uncertainty and issues of accessibility permeate the entire space and experience of it.” (Michelle Schultz for Dailyserving.com)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged barriers, clues, DIY, flyers, installation, labyrinth, locked, mystery, press, relational aesthetics, releases, romance, room, ryan gander, scenario, show, text, unknown, wall

‘So far, so good’ by Frederik van Simaey
Copy of one of Van Simaey’s home windows, made with one blind and 4 neons.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged blinds, DIY, Frederik van Simaey, gone, home, installation, light, neons, sculpture, shutter, so far, so good, studio, sun, unknown, wall, window

Achille Devéria, ‘The Puppets’ (1824)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged achille deveria, action, disguise, feet, fun, lithograph, painting, play, print, puppets, romance, show, unknown

Cezary Bodzianowski, ‘Black Man Listening to Black Music on a Black Background’ (1996)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged background, black, cezary bodzianowski, DIY, fuckem, fun, invisible, light, man, music, performance, photo, photograph, romance, sofa, text, unknown

This was a practice where the mother, often disguised or hiding, often under a spread, holds her baby tightly for the photographer to ensure a sharply focused image.
From The Hidden Mother
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, blog, chair, child, DIY, fuckem, fun, furniture, installation, light, mother, performance, photography, posing, romance, sculpture, the wild, unknown