William Michael Harnett, ‘The artist’s letter rack’ (1879)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged alphabet, american, collection, communication, correspondence, DIY, envelopes, furniture, handwriting, irish, language, letter, life, objects, ordinary, painting, paper, postcards, rack, romance, still life, storage, text, time, trompe l'oeuil, USA, wall, William Michael Harnett
’35°9,32°18′ (1985), by Richard Wentworth.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged bent, design, distorted, distortion, DIY, england, fuckem, fun, ladder, messy, metal, non-function, object, Richard Wentworth, sculpture, shade, shadow, steps, the wild, time, trash, uk, unknown, useless
Grant Wood, ‘American Gothic’ (1930)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged american, apron, architecture, daughter, farmers, farmhouse, folk, gothic, Grant Wood, icon, labor, light, man, midwestern, normal, painting, people, pioneer, pitchfork, portrait, regionalism, religion, repression, romance, rural, simple, spirit, tradition, window, woman
‘Revolutionen des Alltäglichen’ (2009) by Martin Soto-Climent
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, alltäglichen, architecture, blinds, choreography, decoration, design, DIY, exterior, found, fuckem, graffiti, inside, installation, interior, martin soto climent, mexican, mexico, outside, private, public space, revolutionen, revolutions, romance, room, south american, spraypaint, street, style, the wild, trashed, unknown, wild
Patricia Esquivias, ‘111-119 Generalisimo/Castellana’ (2012)
By dd
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged architecture, building, city, collection, decoration, DIY, explanation, fabrication, flats, found, fuckem, house, light, mozaic, Patricia Esquivias, public space, story, street view, unknown, video, vimeo
Florian Slotawa, ‘IKEA (Prototyp)’ (2006)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, architecture, arrangement, berlin, collection, commonplace, DIY, florian slotawa, found, fuckem, fun, household, Ikea, installation, objects, prototype, rearrangement, sculpture, selection, stack, the wild, totem, unknown
Tom Friedman, ‘Untitled’, first made in 1989
Crest Tartar Control Gel Toothpaste
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged basics, blue, brush, crest tartar control, DIY, fuckem, fun, gel, muur, painting, Tom Friedman, toothpaste, wall, white
Richard Wentworth, ‘Caledonian Road, London, 2007‘ (2013)
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, architecture, build, city, climb, descend, DIY, london, photograph, public space, Richard Wentworth, rock, romance, ruin, stairs, steps, street view, the wild, trash
Nicolas Provost, ‘Stardust’, 20′ (2010)
An excerpt can be seen here
Stardust is the second part of the trilogy where Provost films everyday life with a hidden high resolution camera and edits the images into a fiction film using cinematographic codes from the Hollywood film language. Starring real Hollywood stars like Jon Voight, Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson in Las Vegas.
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged cctv, dennis hopper, fiction, film, hidden camera, hollywood, jack nicholson, jon voight, language, las vegas, nicolas provost, real life, star, structure