Tag Archives: build

Judith Hopf


‘Trying to build a mask with a box of a smart phone’ (2013) by Judith Hopf.

Melle Smets & Joost van Onna


Turtle 1‘ (2013) a project by Melle Smets & Joost van Onna.

In Ghana 200,000 artisans, in 12,000 workshops, stores and factories are working round the clock to repair, adjust and re-invent European scrap yard cars. Melle Smets and Joost van Onna traveled there to build an African concept car out of discarded car parts, in collaboration with the local community.

Richard Wentworth

wentworth caledonian road, london

Richard Wentworth, ‘Caledonian Road, London, 2007‘ (2013)

Miriam Bäckström


From the series ‘Scenografier / Set Constructions’ by Miriam Bäckström (1995-2000)

Bruce Nauman


‘Setting a Good Corner (Allegory & Metaphor)’ (1999) by Bruce Nauman.

The video Setting a Good Corner (Allegory and Metaphor) (1999) shows Bruce Nauman building a corner to stretch a fence and hang a gate in his ranch in New Mexico.

Koki Tanaka

I considered the title of this work but it never come up. Following things could be related to the title.

1) I love to go out from the exhibition space because of BankART facing the sea.

2)There are so many trashes which some artists made and showed as art work before in BankART.

3) I want to make a raft using those trashes.

4) I think it’s not a question that the raft float on water or not but it’s good to be floating there.

(2007) Koki Tanaka.

Rainer Prohaska

‘Delta star ship operation’ by Rainer Prohaska. From the series ‘Toy-kit architectures’.