Tag Archives: surface

Josephine Meckseper



Josephine Meckseper, ‘African Spir’ (2011)

Leo Fitzmaurice

Leo Fitzmaurice, Base (Baseball Ball Removed)  2010

Leo Fitzmaurice, ‘Base (Baseball Ball Removed)’ (2010)

Thomas van Linge

‘Camus and Sisyphus Walk Into a Bar…’ (2011) by Thomas van Linge.

An installation consisting out of an oddly shaped tilted grey surface and a radio controllable rock.

Timm Ulrichs

Timm Ulrichs, ‘Auf der Unterseite der Erdoberflaeche (Kopfstehendes Hohlkoerper-Denkmal II)’ (‘On the bottom of the earth’s surface (Hollow body monument standing upside down II)’)