Fausto Melotti, ‘A tentoni’ (1979)
James ‘Son Ford’ Thomas, untitled (1987)
Jimmie Durham, ‘A Stone Asleep In Bed At Home’ (2000)
Andrea Blum, ‘In Bed with a cold-blooded Animal’ (2008)
Ian Ball, ‘Neodymium’ from the series ‘Rare Earth Sculptures’ (2011)
Small Maitreya Solar Cross, Exo Terra Sun Glo halogen neodymium reptile lamp, female bearded dragon, driftwood, 15:42 min audio, Philips shoqbox bluetooth speaker, terrarium.
Matt Johnson, ‘Odalisque’ (2010)
Maria Bartuszová, ‘Folded figure’ (c. 1965)
Jessie Flood-Paddock, ‘Nude’ (2014)
John Bock, ‘Cousin with exposed organ’ (2006)
Martin Boyce, untitled (2013)