Diango Hernandez, ‘No tea, no sofa, no me’ (2010)
Tag Archives: reconstruct
Song-Ming ANG
Song-Ming ANG, ‘Parts and Labour’ (2012)
The artist learnt and executed the process of taking apart a piano and putting it back together in playable condition. This was performed over four months at a piano workshop.
Lara Almarcegui
“Removal of the Wooden Floor, Grafisches Kabinett, Secession” (2010) by Lara Almarcegui.
Lara Almarcegui removed and then reconstructed the floor of an exhibition space.
Amir Zaki
‘The three sisters’ (1984) by Peter Fischli and David Weiss.
‘Eleven minus one’ (2010) by Amir Zaki.
Amir Zaki reconstructed, in virtual 3D space, several photographs from a series made in the mid-1980’s by Swiss artist duo Fischli and Weiss.
Watch more reconstructions after the jump.