Tag Archives: nude

John Baldessari

John Baldessari

“Tips for Artists Who Want to Sell” (1966-1968) by John Baldessari.

Ellen Harvey


‘New York Nudes’ (2012) by Ellen Harvey.

Every nude postcard from New York’s contemporary art museums, drawn on to highlight the nude bits.

Charles Ray

charles ray_Shelf-w-viewer

‘Shelf’ (1981) by Charles Ray

Eadward Muybridge

Eadweard Muybridge, ‘Descending Stairs and Turning Around, Animal Locomotion’ (1887)

Bethan Huws

Bethan Huws, Untitled (NU DESCENDANT UN ESCALIER) (2004 – 2006)

Rogier Roeters

‘Thomas’ by Rogier Roeters

Jesse McLean

‘Creep’ (2009) by Jesse McLean. (see also photoshop disasters)

Peter Freitag


‘Priska & Kristi’



From the series ‘Private stages’ (2004-2007) by Peter Freitag.

Amateur photographs of nudes found on the internet are obscured with the application of little “dots” that are made with punchhole irons using the colours and structures from the original image, leaving the silhouette visible.

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