Iain Ball, ‘Terbium’ (2015)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged architecture, constructivist, earth, energy, england, fuckem, fun, futurist, globe, hands, Iain ball, london, new age, place, power, psych, purple, rare, relation, romance, sculpture, soviet, spiritual, terbium, the wild, trance, united kingdom, unknown, yellow

Works from the exhibition ‘Social … Quasi Social … Solitary …Spiders … On Hybrid Cosmic Webs’ by Tomás Saraceno at Esther Schipper, Berlin.
A display of hybrid spiderwebs made by various species of spiders. The result: webs on top and inside of other webs, webs woven by rare species of social spiders with webs of solitary, asocial spiders.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, alone, architecture, asocial, berlin, collection, esther schipper, found, installation, light, mix, nature, romance, sculpture, social, spiders, together, Tomás Saraceno, unknown, weave, webs, woven

Melissa Bugarella, ‘Study for a Head (1)’ (2011)
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged background, DIY, film, fuckem, head, image, lamp, light, london, material, melissa bugarella, photograph, re-photograph, romance, sculpture, self-portrait, study, the wild, trash, unknown