Risograph by Helmut Smits.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, blue, collection, density, DIY, found, fun, helmut smits, light, lost, netherlands, not, poster, risograph, rotterdam, sinking, stuff, text, things, unknown, water, white

‘But the other side of the record’ (1982) by Vladimir Havrilla
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, circle, house, magc, performance, photograph, recod, record, romance, trick, unknown, vladimir havrilla, women

Micol Assaël, ‘Nýidalur’ (2000)
The work Nýidalur is a permanent installation in a small town in Italy, S. Casciano dei Bagni. Micol Assaël measured all the holes in an old outdoor brick wall and covered them with transparent glass semi spheres.
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, air, bricks, bubbles, building, DIY, glass sphere, healing, italy, light, measuring, Micol Assael, patchwork, permanent, poetic, public art, public space, sky, soap bubbles, street view, sun, the wild, transparent, wall

Kathrin Schlegel, ‘Bitte nicht wieder klauen’ (‘Please don’t steal again’) (2011)
Work for an existing pedestal whose sculpture had been stolen. This original was a figurative bronze sculpture by Jan Spiering that showed two figures playing with a ball. The work is based on the “absent presence” of the ball as a relic of Spiering’s work, which is realized on the abandoned pedestal in the form of a classic magic trick: the “floating ball under a cloth”.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged absent, ball, bronze, jan spiering, kathrin schlegel, magic, pedestal, presence, public art, public space, romance, sculpture, steal, stolen, trick