Untitled (2014) by Julien Meert .
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged beard , belgium , blue , blur , digital , DIY , ears , face , france , freakish , fuckem , fun , head , julien meert , lines , painting , self-portrait , sharp , unknown , weird
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action , appropriate , change , classical , collection , collector , commissioned , couple , crossed , DIY , double , flea market , found , fuckem , fun , germany , haha , hans-peter feldmann , intervention , joke , man , noble , painting , portrait , the wild , unknown , wealthy , woman
Kurt Kranz , ‘Augenreihe’ (1931)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action , bauhaus , black , body , closed , collection , dessau , DIY , expressions , faces , fuckem , fun , germany , human , kurt kranz , light , montage , noses , opened , performance , photographs , pinched , pre-war , row , series , soul , the wild , unknown , white
Alice Neel , ‘Hartley with a Cat’ (1969)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged alice neel , american , animal , blond , cat , closeness , collection , comic , DIY , empty , face , facing , friends , fuckem , hartley , love , man , painting , personality , pet , piercing , romance , soul , striped shirt , the wild , unknown , white
‘Shipwreck’ (2012)
‘Windfarms’ (2012) by Myfanwy Macleod
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged Abstraction , architecture , Canada , canadian , collection , crafts , DIY , faces , folding , found , fuckem , fun , girls , landscapes , magazines , models , Myfanwy Macleod , origami , paper art , people , porn , romance , sculpture , skin , the wild , trash , unknown
‘Silly Death Mask’ by Alice Tomaselli
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged Alice Tomaselli , clay , DIY , face , fuckem , fun , italian , joke , mouth , sculpture , Silly Death Mask , tablet , the wild , tokyo , unknown
Raluca Croitoru , ‘THE EYES OF NICOLAE BOTGROS’ (2013)
A series documenting the world that Nicolae Botgros sees through his poster eyes. The artist placed the camera viewfinder on his eyes and shot 36 consecutive frames.
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action , DIY , folk singer , fuckem , fun , imagine , light , nicolae botgros , photograph , poster , raluca croitoru , repetition , romania , series , sky , street view , the wild , unknown , world
Jack Strange , ‘Church roof’ (2010)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged animism , church roof , collection , face , found , fuckem , fun , jack strange , joke , mouth , personifying , unknown
‘Pablo Picasso’ by The Modern Lovers (1976)
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged 70s , asshole , flirt , fuckem , fun , music , Pablo Picasso , punk , romance , song , stare , the modern lovers , the wild , trash , USA