Tag Archives: circles

An Experiment to Test the Destiny of the World

17 Feb

Sober & Lonely Institute for the Arts in reaction to ‘The 2nd Sober & Lonely Synchronised Running Club Run’ with Machine Project at An Experiment to Test the Destiny of the World

Ben Skinner


Ben Skinner, ‘When I said nothing’, from the ‘Circles’ series (2011)

Maciek Pozoga

Excerpt from ‘Looking for Europe’ by Maciek Pozoga

David Shrigley

David Shrigley, ‘untitled (insanity)’ (2012)

Robert Currie

Robert Currie, ‘94,061 cm of nylon monofilament and black acrylic No.2’ (2011)

Michael Sailstorfer


The installation ‘Forst’, by Michael Sailstorfer. Seen at the Kestner Gesellschaft in Hannover.