Lode Geens, ‘Hek’ (Fence) (2009)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged barrier, belgium, color, DIY, fence, flexible, found, fuckem, grid, holes, installation, labour, Lode Geens, material, mesh, orange, plastic, road, sculpture, solid, stand, the wild, trash
Sober & Lonely Institute for the Arts in reaction to ‘Devices’ by Christian Nerf at An Experiment to Test the Destiny of the World
By mh
Posted in Piet
Also tagged An experiment to test the destiny of the world, bent, christian nerf, devices, DIY, fuckem, fun, loop, moebius, romance, ruler, sculpture, Sober and Lonely, unknown
‘Stress Test’ (2012) by Brad Troemel
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged aargh, arc, border, Brad Troemel, DIY, drops, fold, fuckem, fun, house, installation, joke, performance, sculpture, stress, test, the wild, toothbrush, trash, water
‘Peitschenlaternen, gebÃĪndigt’ (2001) by Ursula Achternkamp.