Tag Archives: balcony

Hendrik Schwartz

Pyongyang, Hendrik Schwartz

The only ray of light from an apartment block on Tongil Street, Pyongyang, North Korea (2011), photograph by Hendrik Schwartz.

Apparently, North Korea’s supply of electricity is too small to keep shining through the night. Entire streets shut down, and people go to bed early.



SITE (James Wines)


SITE, ‘High-rise of Homes, catalog of house units, major urban center’ (1981)

Peter Blake

Peter Blake On the Balcony 1955-7

Peter Blake, ‘On the balcony’ (1955-57)

Christian Haake

Christian Haake, o.T.1, 2009

Christian Haake, o.T., 2009

Christian Haake, untitled (2009)

Perrine Lievens


‘Vue’ (2006) by Perrine Lievens.

Neon Balcony.