Bas Jan Ader, ‘Primary Time’ (1974)
stills from silent film
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, bas jan ader, bouquets, collection, colors, DIY, flowers, fuckem, mondriaan, mondrian, primary, romance, silent video, time, video

Helmut Smits, ‘no title (grand piano)’ (2006)
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged boards, destabilize, detournement, DIY, fuckem, fun, glass of water, grand piano, helmut smits, humour, installation, joke, levitate, lift, music, perspective, play, play seriously, rotterdam, straight, support, turnaround, water, wood

Untitled (2009) by Ryan Park
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged books, collection, colors, DIY, fuckem, fun, gradient, light, rainbow, romance, ryan park, sculpture, stack, text, unknown

‘Hottest To Coldest’ (2008) by Aleksandra Domanovic
is a website that continuously arranges a list of all the worlds national capitals according to their current air temperature.
click to visit
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged Aleksandra Domanovic, capitol, cold, DIY, fun, hot, internet, light, list, national, refresh, temperature, text, unknown, website