Pietmondriaan.com will curate its first exhibition at Stichting KOP, Breda (NL)!
It promises to be one hell of a show! Mark friday March 12th in your calendar!
More info will follow soon!
Pietmondriaan.com will curate its first exhibition at Stichting KOP, Breda (NL)!
It promises to be one hell of a show! Mark friday March 12th in your calendar!
More info will follow soon!
‘Si j’étais un charpentier…’ (2008) by Briac Leprêtre.
The title is based on a Johnny Cash song: ‘If i were a carpenter’:
Seen yesterday at Witte de With‘s 24-hour film program ‘and the moral of the story is…’;
‘Wall Street’, by Oliver Stone
‘Enron, the smartest guys in the room’, by Alex Gibney
A combination that put both films in a different perspective. The documentary on the rise and fall of this American super-company was completely sickening..
More films at WdW today until midnight!
Martin Boyle, Untitled (2008)
Click the picture to see the video.
Martin Boyle produces work that is both playful and performative. He re-presents mass produced quirky objects and packaging in multiple forms to the viewer through video installation and sculptural pieces. His work highlights a preoccupation with ideas of value, or lack off, through his use of packaging and consumer goods…
Watch the top right surveillance screen.
This is sped-up footage of mr. Nicholas White trapped in an elevator in the McGraw-Hill Building for 41 hours, after having a cigarette for lunch outside.
The story and some more facts about elevators, as featured in the New Yorker, here.