Tag Archives: recording

Eric Baudelaire

Eric-Baudelaire-EVERYTHING IS POLITICAL (I) 2011

Eric Baudelaire, ‘Everything is political (I)’ (2011)

39 books and 39 recordings of the final sentences of each book.


hadley + maxwell

Hadley+Maxwell, ‘Metal Pessoa (Carte)’ (2012)

Re-designed menu, part of a body of work entitled ‘Metal Pessoa’. This also includes a performance with a recording of Maxwell reading Fernando Pessoa’s unsigned, “Letter to Two French Magnetists” (1919), interpreting it through a range of voices influenced by Heavy Metal styles. Listen to an excerpt here: http://www.hadleyandmaxwell.net/metal-pessoa-berlin/

Aleksei Kruchenykh

Aleksei Kruchenykh, ‘Vselenskaia voina (Universal war)’ (1916)

Audio recording. Poems read by Masha Chlenova, 2012. The Museum of Modern Art, New York

Emile Zile

Emile Zile, ‘Larry Emdur’s Suit’ (2002)

Robert Smithson & Nancy Holt

‘Swamp’, a film by Robert Smithson and Nancy Holt (1969)

Robert Smithson said of the film :”it’s about deliberate obstructions or calculated aimlessness”. This was attained by having Holt walk through the swamp while simultaneously filming, only seeing where she was walking by looking through the lens of her Bolex camera, as Smithson gave her verbal instructions which he recorded as he spoke them.