Tag Archives: ouch

Mauro Cerqueira

mauro cerqueira-"Entroncamento"2009

Mauro Cerqueira, ‘os joelhos em sangue sobre a neve’ (bloody knees in the snow) (2009)

Portsmouth Sinfonia

The title track of Kubrick’s ‘2001: A Space Oddysey’ played by a highschool-orchestra the Portsmouth Sinfonia (an orchestra founded by a group of students at the Portsmouth School of Art in Portsmouth, England, in 1970), coupled with the original film footage…

Thanks, and thanks (for the update)!

Simon Faithfull


Simon Faithfull, ‘Accident book’ (2009)

Accident Book is an intervention in eight Accident and Emergency wards across London and Cambridge. The book tells the story of 33 accidents that befell the writer over a period of 42 years.

From June 2009 onwards, people waiting for treatment, prognoses or friends, began to discover books lying amongst the copies of old magazines in these Accident and Emergency wards. The 500 copies of Accident Book distributed through these eight hospitals are each individually numbered and the finders of these books are encouraged to take them home but also to register them here.

Two examples:

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