Musical intermezzo by Deerhoof
Tag Archives: music video
Whatfilm 2
‘America we stand as one’ (2002) by Dennis Madalone. One of the highlights of Whatfilm 2!
Check with sing along karaoke version!
Yesterday night was the Whatfilm night at the Film Foyer in Tilburg, organised by Whatspace. An evening of nice shortfilms selected by Rotterdam VHS Festival and presented by Niels Post of Trendbeheer. After the Read More some blurry photo impressions:
(More photo’s on Whatspace and Trendbeheer!)
Joseph Beuys vs America
‘Sonne statt Reagan’ (1983) popsong by Joseph Beuys.
A protest song against America and its use of nuclear weapons.
‘I like America and America likes me’, Beuys’ famous performance in New York (1974).
In May 1974 Beuys flew to New York and was taken by ambulance to the site of the performance, a room in the René Block Gallery on East Broadway. He shared this room with a wild coyote, for eight hours over three days. At times he stood, wrapped in a thick, grey blanket of felt, leaning on a large shepherd’s staff. At the end of the three days, Beuys hugged the coyote that had grown quite tolerant of him, and was taken to the airport. Again he rode in a veiled ambulance, leaving America without having set foot on its ground.
No more workhorse blues
‘No more workhorse blues’ by Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy (Video by Harmony Korine)
Just because it’s nice.
Patrick Swayze (RIP)
‘She’s like the wind’ (1987) by Patrick Swayze (*1952 – †14 sept 2009).
See also the post ‘Jack Falanga‘ from a few days ago.