David Shrigley, ‘Untitled (I am glad)’ (2013)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged cartoon, crude, DIY, drawing, fuckem, fun, green, humour, joke, painting, person, scotland, simple, stick man, text, walking

David Shrigley, ‘Pet Carrier #5’ (2007)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, animal, architecture, bars, Break, cage, captivity, DIY, expand, foam, free, freedom, fuckem, fun, metal, openings, pet carrier, romance, scotland, scottish, sculpture, shelter, the wild, unknown
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged a place, distance, drawing, emptiness, empty, fuckem, horizon, landscape, light, location, loneliness, photograph, placelessness, romance, text, the wild, unknown, void

David Shrigley, ‘Swan’ (2000)
“One day (maybe it was the early Nineties) when my life was a little less full than it is now, I spent an afternoon being stoned with a friend. We ended up in a bar and we started drawing animals without heads. The animals we drew had not been decapitated; they had been born without heads and had lived like that. Over the years there have been quite a few headless creatures in my work. Perhaps my interest in them was started on that day.” – David Shrigley
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged bar, caricature, collection, creature, DIY, doodle, draw, fuckem, fun, headless animal, joke, multiple, object, resin, signed, small, smoke weed, swan, the wild, unlimited, white

David Shrigley, ‘Imagine the green is red’
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, change, creation, DIY, fuckem, fun, grass, green, imagine, installation, intervention, lawn, nature, performance, photograph, public space, red, romance, sign, text, unknown

David Shrigley, ‘My entire life’
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged big, collection, DIY, drawing, floppy disk, fuckem, fun, joke, kilobytes, light, little, memories, my entire life, romance, text, trash, unknown

David Shrigley, ‘untitled (insanity)’ (2012)
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged 4 colors, abstract, blue, circles, deep, drawing, fuckem, fun, green, hand, imperfect, insanity, joke, paper, phychoanalysis, red, smart ass, trace, uk, what's in a name, yellow