Jello Biafra‘s cover illustration for Steven Kelman‘s ‘Push comes to Shove: The Escalation of Student Protest’ (1970)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, America, book, cover, drawing, escalation, fist, fuck, gesture, hand, hands, illustration, jello biafra, peace, protest, push, shove, steven kelman, student, text, unknown

The novel ‘Cosmos’ (1965) by Witold Gombrowicz.
“[…] In Cosmos, I am telling the simple story of a simple student. This student goes to spend his holidays as a paying guest in a house where he meets two women, one has a hideous mouth which has been ruined by a motor car accident, while the other has an attractive mouth. The two mouths are associated in his mind and become an obsession. On the other hand he has seen a sparrow hanging from a wire and a piece of wood hanging from a thread… . And all this, a little out of boredom, a little out of curiosity, a little out of love, out of violent passion, starts dragging him towards a certain means of action … to which he abandons himself, but not without skepticism. […] Cosmos is an ordinary introduction to an extraordinary world, to the wings of the world, if you like.” – W. Gombrowicz
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged absurdist, book, cosmos, dead bird, forest, found, fuchs, fuckem, hanging, hung, katasia, lena, meaning, modernism, novel, objects, piece, polish, sparrow, story, string, suspicion, text, the wild, things, unknown, vacation home, wire, witold, Witold Gombrowicz, wood

Old Neapolitan gestures, from left to right: money, past times, affirmation, stupid, good, wait a moment, to walk backward, to steal, horns, to ask for.

From the book ‘Speak Italian: The Fine Art of the Gesture’ (1958) by Bruno Munari
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, book, bruno munari, collection, dictionary, gestures, hands, iltaly, language, non-verbal, publication, romance, speak, text, unknown

Jan Huijben, ‘Daarheen’ (‘That way’)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged collage, collection, daarheen, decisions, directions, DIY, found, fuckem, fun, goals, impossible, jan huijben, multiple, public art, public space, road, romance, text, that way, the wild, undecidedness, unknown

Mircea Cantor, stills from ‘The Landscape Is Changing’ (2003)
Single-channel video with sound, 22 min.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, collection, DIY, fuckem, installation, light, mirecea cantor, mirrors, performance, pickets, protest, public art, romance, unknown, video

Performance by Grupa TOK, Serbia (1973)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged Abstraction, action, black, blank, collective, compositions, DIY, fuckem, group, grupa tok, lines, performance, picket, public art, public space, serbia, unknown, white

Claus Richter, ‘Great expectations’ (2010)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged Art, artist, claus richter, DIY, fuckem, fun, future, great expectations, humor, installation, joke, sculpture, text