John Constable, ‘Study of clouds at Hampstead’ (1821)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged blue, british, clouds, DIY, english, found, hampstead, John Constable, light, london, naturalist, nature, outside, painting, place, public space, romance, sky, study, surface, uk, unknown, weather conditions

Marie Farrington, ‘Slip (White on White)’ (2014)
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged finger, installation, ireland, Marie Farrington, material, porcelain, process, remainder, round, slip, wall, white

Hubert Robert, ‘The Accident’ (ca. 1790-1804)
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged 18th century, accident, cabinet magazine, declaration, fail, fall, fantasy, france, hubert robert, landscape, love, painting, rock, ruins, woman

‘I am still the great Isis! None has yet lifted my veil! My fruit is the Sun!’ (1896)
by Odilon Redon
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged allegories, Ancient Egyptian religion, fruit, fuckem, Isis, light, mysticism, odilon redon, painting, sun, symbols, the wild, unknown, veil