William Michael Harnett, ‘The artist’s letter rack’ (1879)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged alphabet, american, collection, communication, correspondence, DIY, envelopes, everyday, furniture, handwriting, irish, language, letter, life, objects, ordinary, painting, paper, rack, romance, still life, storage, text, time, trompe l'oeuil, USA, wall, William Michael Harnett

‘Museum Postcards’ by Oliver Michaels
The projections in this project are of images taken from museum postcards that are brought to life using a consumer animation package. The resulting videos of talking sculptures are projected onto fabricated structures within the space.
Click this link to view the ‘Lion’ video.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, animal, animation, DIY, fuckem, fun, installation, light, lion, museum, nature, oliver michaels, photograph, sculpture, text, video