Lennart Lahuis, ‘Dis-penser (Study I)’ (2014)
Tag Archives: heat
Lennart Lahuis
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, burn, collection, conductor, damage, device, DIY, dutch, fuckem, gas bottle, inside, installation, lennart lahuis, life, light, machine, metal, netherlands, newspaper, outside, paris, romance, sculpture, smoke, space, steam, suspense, the wild, trash, unknown, white, windows, wood
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Naufus Ramírez-Figueroa
‘Para ti el banano madura el peso de tu dulce amor’ (2008) by Naufus Ramírez-Figueroa.
The artist slept with a vine of green bananas in the gallery space for the duration of the exhibition, until he ripened them with the heat of his own body and shared them with visitors. (thanks Stefan)
By sk
Posted in Composition
Also tagged amor, banana, Barbara Visser, body, breed, Naufus Ramírez-Figueroa, sleep, stefan benchoam, vine, visitor
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Johannes Vogl
‘Column of steam’ (2011) by Johannes Vogl
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged air, austria, collection, column, damp, found, fuckem, installation, johannes vogl, kettles, moisture, nature, pots, sculpture, stack, steam, the wild, trash, unknown, water
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