Rirkrit Tiravanija, ‘Dom-ino’ (1998)
In Rirkrit Tiravanija’s replica of the Dom-ino concept (1915) by le Corbusier, the spectator becomes the inventer and the actor of his own environment, in the interaction with his fellow visitor. The lower platform is equipped with a CD and cassette player, a TV, a kitchen corner with table and butagaz-cooker, a low table with poufs. The visitors are invited to use the house as they wish, and to share what they bring or find with the others.
Tercerunquinto, ‘Escultura publica en la periferia urbana de Monterrey’ (2006)
‘Escultura publica en la periferia urbana de Monterrey’ is a public sculpture on the periphery of the city of Monterrey. It consisted of a concrete foundation that was free to use by the people of Monterrey. Apart from being used as a platform for a political rally, it was transformed among others into a marketplace, a hangout, until eventually becoming claimed by a man who built his house on it. The house remains there to this day.