‘Objects of Desire’ (2005-2008) by Michael Kargl (aka Carlos Katastrofsky).
A numbered but unsigned set of sentences, which disappears from the screen as soon as the next set is automatically displayed, allows the visitor to become the owner of a unique work of art, but only as long as he or she keeps it in mind.
By sk
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged Art, Carlos Katastrofsky, computer, desire, keep, Michael Kargl, mind, number, object, screen, script

‘Zu erinnern und zu vergessen’ (to remember and to forget) (2008) by Ariel Schlesinger.

‘Things to forget: pattern recognition’ (2008)
(linoleum flooring, plastic potted ficus, dead leafs from a real ficus)

‘Things to forget: between here and now’ (2008)
(stack of chairs, two ceramic tiles)

‘Things to forget: most of the time’ (2008) by Guro Olsdotter Gjøl.
(overhead projector, orange filter, paper frame)