Tag Archives: dots

Lily van der Stokker

vanderstokker-'Olga is een krengetje' 2005

‘Olga is ‘n krengetje’ (Olga is a little bitch) (2005)


vanderstokker-'Peter is 'n lieverdje' 2005

‘Peter is ‘n lieverdje’ (Peter is a little sweetheart) (2005) by Lily van der Stokker.

Nikolai Suetin

suprematist tablechair set by nikolai suetin 1924

Suprematist table & chair set by Nikolai Suetin, from 1924.

Walter Swennen


by Walter Swennen.

Jason Coburn

jason_coburn_Californian Sunshine 2014

Jason Coburn, ‘Californian Sunshine’ (2014)

An Experiment to Test the Destiny of the World

14 Febsmall

Sober & Lonely Institute for the Arts in reaction to ‘Magic (Johannesburg)’ by Jon Bernad at An Experiment to Test the Destiny of the World