‘8 count’ by Charles Bukowski, from ‘Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame: Selected Poems 1955-1973′
Tag Archives: typewriter
Simon Fujiwara
Simon Fujiwara, ‘Desk job’ (2009)
“A typewriter sits in the middle of a desk surrounded by a litter of screwed up paper, notes typed on file cards, and reference photographs of architectural details, erotic sculpture and gay pornography. Copies of the one-page synopsis of the novel are stacked on the desk, setting the fictional parameters as it describes the novelist’s thwarted attempts to write, his ultimate seclusion and his indulgence in clandestine sexual activities inspired by and in defilation of the building’s sleek Modernist architecture. The synopsis ends with the first line of the novel: ‘A novelist is living in an exquisitely crafted modernist house …’, a line we see typed on the sheet of paper in the typewriter.” (Kirsty Bell in Frieze Magazine, Issue 132, June–August 2010)
Musictypewriter – Claudia Märzendorfer
Temporary Installation
Ice Sculpture
Homage to Arnold Schönberg’s unrealised patent of a musictypewriter
Cast: frozen water, food colouring, musicpaper