Grant Wood, ‘American Gothic’ (1930)
Tag Archives: repression
Gregor Schneider
Gregor Schneider, ‘Die Familie Schneider’ (2004)
Die Familie Schneider took place in neighbouring, identical houses – 14 and 16 Walden Street, London. The houses were open by appointment only and visitors – always two at a time – collected the front door keys from a small office on the same street. One visitor entered 14 Walden Street alone, whilst the other entered the neighbouring house.
In each was an identical woman, perpetually washing the same dishes; in each was a child, or a child-like person – wrapped placidly within a plastic bag; and in each was a man in a shower, engaged in a stark and lonely act of masturbation. After a period of ten minutes, the visitors emerged, exchanged keys and entered the second house.
At no time was there ever more than one visitor in each house.
Martin Arnold
Ending of Martin Arnold‘s ‘Alone. Life wastes Andy Hardy’ (1998)
“The cinema of Hollywood is a cinema of exclusion, reduction and denial, a cinema of repression. There is always something behind that which is being represented, which was not represented. And it is exactly that that is most interesting to consider.” – Martin Arnold
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