David Lynch answers a question about ‘Keeping True to the Idea’
By dd
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged audience, blue, compromise, david lynch, idea, interaction, keep on keeping on, knowledge, lecture, my way, painting, true

Stefan Brüggemann, ‘I Can’t Explain and I Won’t Even Try’ (2003)
‘Madonna della Scodella’ (2012) by Paolo Chiasera.
“So the question is: what information can be gleaned from paintings about the knowledge that this power has tried to conceal?”
By sk
Posted in Zwarte Piet
Also tagged boy, catholic, child, christianity, church, devil, diana, fantasy, god, Holy, image, knowledge, Madonna, magic, mannerism, mysticism, myth, painting, Paolo Chiasera, power, religion, renaissance, scodella, supernatural, symbol, video
David Byrne interviews himself for a Talking Heads´ film concert by Jonathan Demme.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged answer, David Byrne, DIY, fuckem, fun, himself, interview, joke, jonaqthan demme, light, talking heads, unknown, video, youtube

‘Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit’ (1992) by Félix González-Torres.

‘Even a stopped clock is right twice a day’ (2008) by Elodie Pong.
In this video by Elodie Pong globalisation and the state of the world economy are debated by stuffed birds.