Tag Archives: germany

Olivier Maarschalk

+22 august 2010

Olivier Maarschalk, ‘Memories from the future’

During a lonely stay in Finland, Maarschalk asked his mother, girlfriend and roommate to pick a date and time in the future, on which they expected him and themselves to still be alive. For each person he made a drawing that shows the exact curve in which the sun enters his studio on that specific time. The drawings were sent to each participant by post.

Olivier Maarschalk is participating in WHAT’S THE POINT OF GIVING YOU ANY MORE ARTISTS? which opens coming Friday at eight.

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Katinka Pilscheur

pilscheur, Dortmunder Kunstverein _ solo _ 2009

Katinka Pilscheur, exhibition overview at Dortmunder Kunstverein, 2009

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Johannes Vogl

Afbeelding 13

Johannes Vogl, Ohne Titel (Marmeladenbrotstreichmaschine) / Untitled (Machine to produce jam breads) (2007)

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