Ken Lum, ‘Don’t be Silly’ (1993)
Tag Archives: appearance
Michael Van den Abeele
Michael Van den Abeele, ‘Verschijning van het zeldzame aan het veelvoorkomende’ (Appearance of the rare to the common) (2011)
Nasan Tur
Nasan Tur, ‘Passport’ (2000)
Applying for a German passport, Nasan Tur let his mustache grow over several months, fitting the cliche of the Turk in Germany.
This small alteration in his appearance led to a complete change in perception of and reaction to him from the outside world in his daily life. In the circles in which he normally moved he was suddenly no longer welcome, and from a female point of view unsexy, whereas he was greeted with “Salem Aleykum” when walking past Turkish cafés and reaped enthusiastic compliments from aunts and uncles.
Piero Golia
‘Postcards from the edge’, by Piero Golia, is a series of custom made woven blankets, picturing landscapes of a mythical journey through America, and the only reminders of his vanishing experience.
On January 14, 2005, Piero Golia vanished in New York. He reappeared three weeks later, on the morning of February 7, at the Royal Academy of Arts in Copenhagen. Between those two dates, he left absolutely no track of himself, crossing borders illegally, travelling without any trackable means of payment, thus living the adventurous life of a fugitive and referencing Bas Jan Ader’s legendary disappearance in 1975.