‘Schedule of Moments’ (1997) by Job Koelewijn.
A simple schedule of the artist’s different moods (in Dutch).
Some of them: wonder / devotion / courage / sex drifts / willpower / love / blame / trust / doubt / shame / concentration / desperation / indifference / creativity
By sk
Posted in Composition
Also tagged blame, concentration, courage, creativity, design, desperation, devotion, DIY, doubt, emotions, indifference, job koelewijn, love, map, moment, mood, psychogeography, schedule of moments, sex drifts, shame, trust, willpower

The Window of the World is a theme park located in Shenzhen in the People’s Republic of China. It has about 130 reproductions of some of the most famous tourist attractions in the world squeezed into 48 hectares.
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By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged ant, ants, building, city, documentary, Fritz Lang, huge, metropolis, nature, sculpture, structure, superstructure, underground, video