Tag Archives: viewing

Aleschija Seibt



Aleschija Seibt, ‘151 cm’ (2013)

Buttermilk on window panes.

Heike Mutter & Ulrich Genth

Heike Mutter & Ulrich Genth 2009 - 2011-2

Heike Mutter & Ulrich Genth 2009 - 2011

Heike Mutter & Ulrich Genth, ‘Magic Mountain’ (2009-2011)


Alfred Lukyanovich Yarbus

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From Alfred Lukyanovich Yarbus‘s book, ‘Eye Movements and Vision’ (1967). Scan patterns for four of the observers in the study as they freely viewed the portrait of Yarbus.

Yarbus is one of the founders of modern eye movement research. His work – based on the development of a method for accurately recording eye movements, using suction caps on the eyes – has had a profound influence on recent approaches to the study of eye movements and vision.

Gabriel von Max

Gabriel von Max monkey viewing painting
Gabriel von Max, ‘Monkey viewing a painting’ (18??)