Bethan Huws, Untitled (Do you think I should order …) (2013)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged alphabet, bethan huws, black, books, DIY, fun, joke, order, system, text, unknown, wales, white
Liam Gillick at Magasin – Centre nationale d’art contemporain.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, America, Art, british, challenge, conceptions, conceptual, dependent, DIY, france, fuckem, fun, grenoble, irony, joke, lazy, Liam Gillick, light, line, magasin, New York, outside, sentence, significance, structure, text, wall
Stanya Kahn, ‘Turd walks into a bar’ (2012)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, american, DIY, drawing, fuckem, fun, joke, light, napkin, romance, Stanya Kahn, text, the wild, trash, turd walks into a bar, unknown, USA
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged black fax, block, DIY, flag, fuckem, fun, image, joke, light, ryan de la hoz, the wild, trash
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged DIY, fieke van berkom, found, fuckem, fun, joke, public space, romance, sign, text, unknown, wall, whole, why, wide, world