Tag Archives: deconstruction

Bas Schevers




Bas Schevers, ‘Impulse’ (2012)

During this one minute performance, eleven people (attendees of the opening) suddenly interrupted the existing situation with brief actions that were exaggerations of normal gallery behavior. Some examples of these simultaneously performed actions are: someone closely examining an empty corner of the space, a man was thinking of something really sad until it made him cry, two people talking to eachother while rythmically clacking their heels, someone singing in the toilet, a photographer taking pictures of the photographer and eventually two wine glasses falling on the floor in two different corners of the space at the exact same time.

Commissioned by pietmondriaan.com for our exhibition I Want to Believe. Photos by Jan Adriaans.

Ivars Gravlejs

‘Reconstruction of broken chair’ (2014) by Ivars Gravlejs.

Exhibited together with a video fromĀ Ivars Gravlejs’ childhood:

Ken McMullen / Jacques Derrida

Jacques Derrida interviewed by Pascale Ogier about the ‘Science of Ghosts’ in Ken McMullen‘s film ‘Ghost Dance’ (1983)