Tag Archives: 20th century

Byron Company



Snapped in New York on the roof of the Marceau Studio on Fifth Avenue, by a group of photographers working for the Byron Company, this picture is one of the first selfies in history, made in 1920. (via)

Aleksei Kruchenykh

Aleksei Kruchenykh, ‘Vselenskaia voina (Universal war)’ (1916)

Audio recording. Poems read by Masha Chlenova, 2012. The Museum of Modern Art, New York

Olga Rozanova

Explosion in a Trunk from Universal War Olga Rozanova

DestructionOfGardens tumblr_mte1xr9gKk1rgxgbko1_1280

Olga Rozanova, ‘Explosion in a Trunk’ and ‘Destruction of Gardens’ from Universal War, an artist book by Aleksei Kruchenykh (1916)

‘Battle of the Futurist and the Ocean’ (~1916)