‘The Character’ (2011) by Candice Breitz.
Fifteen children were each asked to watch a Bollywood movie prominently featuring a child character. During the shoot that followed, each child was asked to verbally portray the child character in the movie that s/he had watched, to describe the role and plight of that character within the movie’s narrative.
By sk
Posted in Composition
Also tagged Bollywood, Candice Breitz, character, child, cinema, film, India, kid, movie, real life, story, tell

David Levine, ‘Hopeful’ (2010)
A collection of headshots – photographs of actors looking for work.
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged abstract, actors, archive, collection, david levine, DIY, found, headshots, installation, light, photo, portrait, studio, trash, unknown, unsolicited, US, work
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, agressive, audience, DIY, explanation, fuckem, fun, kijker, leon van den langenberg, netherlands, participation, passive, performance, television, text, unknown, video, viewer