‘Simple Net Art Diagram’ (1997) by MTAA (M.River & T.Whid Art Assoc.)
‘Captcha’ (2010) by Gabrielle de Vietri.
‘Neverending Happy End – Happy Endings Never End’ (2008) by Les Liens Invisibles.
Adam Cruces, ‘Vertigo’ (2008)
Check out his website for more nice videos, such as ‘Shane (After Jack Goldstein)’, a remake of Goldstein’s 1975 video.
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By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, adam cruces, air drums, blog, DIY, floppy disk, fuckem, fun, healing, internet, jack goldstein, joke, light, music, relaxation, romance, shane, the wild, unknown, vertigo, video, youtube
Another one of Horvitz‘s instructions:
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged block of text, blog, boredom, boring, david horvitz, DIY, fuckem, fun, horvitz, instructions, internet, joke, light, mac, notepad, screengrab, text, trash, unknown