‘On the Museum’s Ruin (Morris – Hunt – Corbusier – Piano)’ (2010) by Liz Glynn
Created at the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, designed by le Corbusier, during the renovation of the Fogg Museum of Art, initially designed by William Morris Hunt, with renovation by Renzo Piano. The chairs were cast based on Le Corbusier’s iconic LC2 design using rubble from the museum renovation.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, appropriate, cast, chairs, collection, design, DIY, fuckem, furniture, hunt, installation, Le Corbusier, liz glynn, museum, piano, re-use, renovation, rubble, ruin, sculpture, the wild, trash, wall, waste
By sk
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged 1998, 2008, alienation, Beijing, China, documentary, film, midtown, New York, NY, Olympic Games, Sarah Morris, seduction, USA
Robert Morris
Robert Morris, ‘Box with the sound of its own making’ (1961)