Sara Bjarland, ‘Flies’ (2007)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged blood, close-ups, collection, death, died, DIY, flat, flies, found, fuckem, insects, light, nature, netherlands, photographs, romance, sara bjarland, scans, the wild, trash
Two architectural models (‘Extreme models’) by Bodys Isek Kingelez
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged african, architectural, architecture, bodys isek kingelez, cities, city, collection, DIY, dream, found, futurist, models, proposals, sculpture, the wild, trash, utopian
Do it yourself: Justo Gallego Martínez is building his very own Cathedral in Mejorada del Campo near Madrid, Spain.
This is no “model” cathedral and he is neither a qualified architect, nor engineer, nor bricklayer — he is a farmer. “The plans have only ever existed in my head” and have evolved over time in response to opportunity and inspiration.
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