Tag Archives: british

Jacob Dwyer

‘The river of mud’ (2011) by Jacob Dwyer

An investigation into why, in 2010, the kenyan cyclist, Zakayo Nderi, got off his bike and jumped into the river Garonne just before he was about to win stage 18 of the Tour de France. Dwyer connects his experiences of muddy rivers over the last 30 years to come to a conclusion.

Gilbert & George

Gilbert & George, ‘Gordon’s Makes Us Drunk’ (1972)

(Unfortunately I couldn’t find this video online)

Michael Landy

michaellandy_semi-detached 2004

Michael Landy, ‘Semi-detached’ (2004)

A 1 : 1 replica of the house of his parents.

michaellandy_semi-detached 2004-2