An installation/intervention at Stichting KOP, Breda.
‘A perfect place to hide’ (2004)
A tree is stuck between the floor and the ceiling. In this tree is a wooden space, conceiled with screen doors. If you look into the space through a crack, you see pornographic imagery and sketches of the installation on the walls inside. In the transparent space above it are six plants and lights.
Antoine Stemerding
Antoine Stemerding, ‘Wat wil je doen?’ (2006)
An installation/intervention at Stichting KOP, Breda.
‘A perfect place to hide’ (2004)
A tree is stuck between the floor and the ceiling. In this tree is a wooden space, conceiled with screen doors. If you look into the space through a crack, you see pornographic imagery and sketches of the installation on the walls inside. In the transparent space above it are six plants and lights.
‘Onder andere omstandigheden’ (2008)
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