‘The Barcode’, a proposal for a European flag, by AMO, the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA)’s research studio.
Tag Archives: union
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged AMO, barcode, collection, colours, concept, countries, design, DIY, drawing, europe, european, flag, flatten, fun, idea, identity, lines, merge, nations, oma, one, politics, proposal, Rem Koolhaas, research, rotterdam, stripes, unify, unknown
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Ad Reinhardt
Ad Reinhardt, ‘Symmetrical Male Figure (Woman in a Man’s Soul)’, ‘Symmetrical Three Figure Hatch (Male into Female)’, ‘Symmetrical Two Travelers’ (1946)
India ink on paper
By dd
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged ad reinhardt, american, collection, dichotomy, double, drawing, figures, india ink, mystic, nature, paper, symbols, the wild, travelers, twin, unknown, woman in a man's soul
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