Bethan Huws, ‘At the Base of the Brain There Is a Fountain’ (2009)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged architecture, base, bethan huws, brain, DIY, fountain, language, light, line, Marcel Duchamp, neon, origin, public art, public space, romance, root, sentence, source, spring, text, unknown, welsh

Axel Loytved, ‘You have to have ideas’ (2
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, axel loytved, huge, ideen muss man haben, message, performance, public space, romance, sign, text, the wild, unknown

John Baldessari, ‘Everything is purged from this painting but art’ (1966-1968)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged Art, conceptual, empty, everything, John Baldessari, light, no, painting, purged, text, unknown, white