From the series ‘The Chair Affair’ (2015), by Lucas Maassen & Margriet Craens.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, affair, anthropomorphism, bodies, chair, clothing, collection, design, DIY, eindhoven, found, fuckem, fun, lucas maassen, margriet craens, netherlands, new, non-humans, objects, old, people, performance, pink, positions, relations, sensual, sexual, sweaters, the wild, trash

‘Handperformances’ (2013-ongoing) by Thomas Geiger
A series of videos that show Geiger’s hands re-enacting situations he’s been in or things that he has seen.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged collection, DIY, fuckem, fun, hands, life, public space, re-enactments, romance, situations, street, thomas geiger, unknown, video

Selection of pages from the book ‘Non-functional thoughts’ (1978-2008) by Cesare Pietroiusti
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged adjacent, again, book, cesare pietroiusti, collection, day, directions, DIY, doors, forget, fuckem, heart, important, instructions, live, memory, non-functional thoughts, open, performance, public art, relational aesthetics, romance, spaces, street, text, unknown