‘Clichy-sous-Bois’ (2010) by Simon Senn
Two young residents of Clichy-sous-Bois are introducing themselves and are answering the questions from the interview given to them. The questions are constructed from derogatory stereotypes associated with youth and are openly provocative, moralistic and pejorative. Gradually, they begin to get excited and end up by attacking the cameraman who runs away.
The video is separated in two episodes: the interview and the attack. By reversing the temporality of the narrative in showing the violent reaction before its provocation, the video starts with a spectacular action.
‘Le bois-des-frères’ (2009)
The action unveils in a forest at fall. Lines traced on the ground delimit a playing field.Two teams, both formed by two players, all of which are dressed in white, are playing a game in which the goal is to slam an opponent to the ground in his own area.
Four cameramen are filming the entire scene. Each cameraman is asigned an unique player. At the beginning of each game, the players exchange looks for a length of 10 seconds with the cameraman that is to follow him.