‘Collapse (Endless Column)’ by Sophie Eagle
Sophie Eagle
‘Collapse (Endless Column)’ by Sophie Eagle
by mh, in Abstraction tagged action, brancusi, collapse, country roads, cover, decomment, endless column, iconoclasm, light, sculpture, sophie eagle, the wild, trash, unknown, video.

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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kenichi Matsumoto and LoudDelicious, ChinaShare. ChinaShare said: Sophie Eagle:‘Collapse (Endless Column)’ by [Sophie Eagle][1] ![][2] [1]: http://www…. http://tinyurl.com/6b9szlj […]
[…] Sophie Eagle | pietmondriaan.com Sophie Eagle http://t.co/MpOk5tv via pietmondriaan.com http://t.co/wiZNjDv (tags: via:packrati.us) […]